Pitt Town Church's massive Market Day was a great success!

What a wonderful time we had today at Pitt Town raising funds for clean water wells in West Papua.

A cold start was followed by a beautiful, sunny day. The crowds came out and there was plenty of Community spirit about. Fruit and veg, cakes and the ever popular bbq were all very busy. Plenty of stall holders were in attendance and our own tea/coffee and scones were also very popular. The many “white elephant” goods in the hall also attracted strong interest.


Susan Templeman our local member (who is a strong wells supporter) came and had a chat which was great.

The Hawkesbury Zone was there in force with the lovely girls from Richmond UCA setting up and running the very busy bbq. We saw members from Kurrajong Heights, Riverstone and Windsor Uniting Churches all supporting the event.

It is a little early yet to advise of final figures but we feel certain that it has been a very successful day both re the Community feel of the event and a donation that will be able to assist with further clean water wells.

Rebecca Andrews.


Wilberforce Op Shop

This popular Wilberforce venue on the corner of Wilberforce Road and David Street, in the former church hall, is open on most Fridays from 8.30-12.30pm. There are bargains galore to be snapped up. There's also an opportunity to have a chat with a volunteer. You may also consider volunteering yourself!!  If so, contact Mac (maccabruce@outlook.com or 024649 897) 
And, have a look at the following YouTube....


"Messy Church" Family Service.

Meanwhile, here are some photos of a recent 'different' Service in the Windsor Church. One Sunday we held a special Family Service with a difference and lots of organised chaos. People could choose various crafts and activities to help reflect on the various themes of Palm Sunday, when Jesus rode into the city of Jerusalem on a donkey. He was waved to by the crowds who hailed him as their King! It was a show of the alternative power of God's Reign - a different option to the brutal and oppressive Romans.


The congregation enjoyed craft activities together as they reflected and learned. There were lots of kids whose energy and enthusiasm were infectious. There was lots of noise, fun and laughter, then morning tea afterwards.

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